Driver Knowledge Test | Learners Licence Western Australia

54 . ♦ ROAD MARKINGS - P1 and P2 learner licence


Where: At intersections.
Purpose: To prohibit drivers from stopping in the demarcated area because this could prevent other traffic from turning or driving further forward.
Action: Do not stop in the demarcated box and make sure that you will be able to drive through the intersection before entering the intersection.

P1 and P2 safe road usage


Where: On any road before a pedestrian crossing.
Purpose: To indicate an area where you may not stop except for pedestrians crossing or wanting to cross the road or for a vehicle that has already stopped.
Action: Look out for pedestrians that may cross the road, slow down and stop if someone wants to cross the road. Do not overtake inside this area or a vehicle that has stopped at any pedestrian crossing.

P1 and P2 safe road usage