Driver Knowledge Test | Learners Licence Victoria



National highway route markers

Purpose: A national highway route marker identifies a highway as a national route. The number on the sign shows which national route you are travelling on. National highway route signs have yellow writing or symbols on a green background.

P1 AND P2  LEARNER LICENCE national highaway route markers


National route markers

Purpose: A national route marker indicates the road you are on has national significance. The number on the sign shows which national route you are driving on. National route marker signs have black writing or symbols on a white background.

P1 AND P2  LEARNER LICENCE national highaway route markers


State route markers

Purpose: A state route marker identifies a road as a state route. The number on the sign shows what state route you are driving on. State route marker signs have white writing or symbols on a blue background

P1 AND P2  LEARNER LICENCE national highaway route markers