Driver Knowledge Test | Learners Licence New South Wales



Overtaking lane signs

Purpose: These signs show that an overtaking lane will begin after the distance shown on the sign

P1 AND P2  LEARNER LICENCE national highaway route markers


Safety ramp signs

Purpose: These signs show when there is a safety ramp on the side of the road and the distance to it. Safety ramps allow out-of-control vehicles on steep descents to stop safely. You must not park or stop on a safety ramp, except in an emergency.

If there is not enough room for a safety ramp, there may be an arrester bed instead. An arrester bed is a gravel filled ramp that reduces the speed of out of control vehicles.

P1 AND P2  LEARNER LICENCE national highaway route markers


On right signs

Purpose: These are supplementary signs used with safety ramp signs that are on the right-hand side of the road.

P1 AND P2  LEARNER LICENCE national highaway route markers


Unsuitable for large vehicles sign

Purpose: These signs show that the traffic area ahead is not suitable for large vehicles to drive through. You might see this sign with a local traffic only sign

P1 AND P2  LEARNER LICENCE national highaway route markers